10 Must-Have Apps For Manjaro/Arch Linux Users(2024)

Forget pre-fabricated software ecosystems – Manjaro/Arch Linux beckons with its boundless potential for power and customization. But for newcomers, navigating its vast repositories can feel like sailing uncharted seas. No need to fear, intrepid pioneers! We’ve assembled a treasure map of 10 Must-Have Apps For Manjaro/Arch Linux to guide you through the Archverse and unleash … Read more

install Yay on Arch Linux in 2023/2024!

Introduction: Yay, arch is a popular AUR helper for Arch Linux. It acts as a wrapper around Pacman, the official package manager, with additional features specifically designed for managing packages from the Arch User Repository (AUR). Here’s a deeper dive into Yay: Features: Step-by-Step Guide to Install Yay on Arch Linux: 1. Update System Packages: … Read more